Etudes en France technical incident
The Etudes en France website is under maintenance and is temporarily not accessible. Our team is working on different solutions regarding the students' situation.
We are trying our best to help you during this time.
Depending on your situation, here is some information that may help you
- Students in exchange going in France in the beginning of January waiting for Etudes en France validation : please contact your supervisor in your home university and explain that the visa website is under maintenance. They can contact the French university and explain that you might have troubles arriving in France on the date of your letter of acceptance.
We are working on a solution right now.
- Students in exchange who have their VFS appointment coming next week : if you have all the documents requested you can go to your VFS appointment, and process your visa application. Please keep in mind that VFS will keep your passport while processing the visa application. You won't be able to travel during this time.
- Students in exchange who could not attend their VFS appointment and need to reschedule one : contact toronto@campusfrance.
- Students in exchange who did not start their Etudes en France application : we will come back to you soon with a solution.
- Students already accepted who are waiting for the validation of your Etudes en France application : we will come back to you soon with a solution.
- Students applying for a first year of university in France : the deadline is extended until the 15th of January 2025. Because the platform is out of service, you won't be able to submit your application. We kindly advise you to inform you about the universities in France and take this time to strengthen your study project in France. We are currently working on a solution.
- Students applying for a second year in France or Master degree : the deadline is on the 15th of February 2025. Because the platform is out of service, you won't be able to submit your application. We kindly advise you to inform you about the universities in France and take this time to strengthen your study project in France. We are currently working on a solution.
We recommend you to follow us on our Instagram and Facebook page : @CampusFranceCanada, we will upload more information about Etudes en France platform.
Note that you can contact us via email and by phone :
- Québec : montreal@campusfrance.org / + 1 514 878 6205
- Ontario (except Ottawa) and Manitoba : toronto@campusfrance.org / +1 416 847 1902
- Ottawa, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island: ottawa@campusfrance.org +1 613 562 3778
- British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Northwest Territories : campusfrance.vancouver-cslt@diplomatie.gouv.fr +1 604 637 5298
We receive a large number of calls and try to respond to all students.
If we don't answer your call, you can send us a message with your full name and contact details, explaining the situation you're in.
Campus France Canada is working to find solutions as quickly as possible!
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