Pursue an Architecture or Art program in France

You wish to enroll in a school of architecture or arts? Two procedures are possible.
1/ For the National Schools of Architecture (ENSA), you have to apply through the DAP Jaune procedure between October 1st, 2024 and December 15th, 2024.
2/ For other schools of Architecture or in the Arts: The CampusArt network offers students a choice of artistic courses at the preparatory classes FLE+Art, Licence, Master, post-Master and Doctorate level, taylor made for international students. These courses, more than 500 to date, are offered mainly by public or private higher schools of art, and architecture and by universities
We invite you to consult the documentation on Arts studies.
The DAP jaune Preliminary Admission Request (or "yellow file") concerns candidates who wish to be admitted to a national school of architecture (ENSA) in France and who do not have French nationality, are not holders or future holders of the French or European baccalaureate and who reside abroad.
You would like to enroll in an architecture school to prepare for one of the following diplomas:
- Diploma in architecture (bachelor's degree)
- State diploma in architecture (master’s degree)
- Authorization to exercise project management in one's own name (HMONP)
Attention ! The diplomas below , also offered by architecture schools, are not covered by the DAP procedure :
- Diploma specific to schools of architecture (DPEA)
- Landscape designer diploma
- Specialization and Advanced Diploma in Architecture (DSAA)
- Professional and research master's degree from National Schools (excluding state architect diploma)
For these diplomas you must contact the architecture school of your choice directly to apply.
- Opening of the procedure: October 1st, 2024
- Deadline for submitting files to establishments: December 15th, 2024
- Deadline for establishment educational commissions: April 30th, 2025
- Student decision deadline: May 31st, 2025
How to register?
Candidates for the Yellow DAP must register on the Études en France online platform and are authorized to apply for a maximum of 2 programs.
Take a French assessment
At the same time, register for the TCF-DAP test , necessary for compiling your application file for French higher education.
Please note: exam registration deadlines may be BEFORE the DAP deadline . Contact your local Alliance Française or Campus France as soon as possible to find out how to register.
Exemption : Certain candidates may be exempt from the language test, in particular those whose secondary studies took place, for the most part, in French.
If you continued your studies in France or participated in a French immersion program, if you have already obtained one of the recognized French tests (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF etc.) you just need to attach a copy of your diploma or your transcripts to be exempted from a French test before the deadline for submitting your DAP file.
Please see the Taking French exams in Canada page for more information.
A network of French higher institutions of art and architecture
CampusArt is a network of French higher education offering university level programs within the field of art and architecture, led by Campus France with the support of the Ministries of Higher Education, Resarch and Innovation, Europe and Foreign Affairs and Culture, and the ANdÉA (Association Nationale des Écoles Supérieures d’Art).
Campusart Network
The CampusArt network offers students from all over the world a wide choice of programs in art tailored to the needs of the international student, at both preparatory classes FLE + Art, Bachelor, Master, Post-Master levels and PhD. These programs (currently more than four hundred), mainly run by public or private post-secondary art and architecture schools and universities
CampusArt Search Engine
More than 500 arts training courses: a search engine of programs by subject, keywords, levels, or even by school.
CampusArt Application Guide
October 1st, 2024 - February 29th, 2025 - CampusArt Web site opens Students complete electronic application
February 29th, 2025 Deadline for entering the CampusArt application; Deadline for receipt of paper applications at Campus France-Paris
February 29th, 2025 Students undergo telephone interviews and videoconferences; Member institutions extend offers of admission to the candidates on their CampusArt platform
April 30th, 2025 Deadline for admission offers by the member institutions to the students
April 30th to May 31st, 2025 Students accept or decline admission offers on their CampusArt account
May 31st, 2025 Deadline for confirmation of entry into the program by the students on their CampusArt account; CampusArt Web site closes
May 31st, 2025 Preparation and submission of original certificates of pre-registration by institutions